Finances of Douglas County GOP
Our Treasurer

Tom Dole
Having grown up in Roseburg, I have an affinity for Douglas County. While going to school right here, I found myself drawn to community service, through scouting. I became an Eagle Scout. Upon graduation at Roseburg High School, I earned my undergraduate degree in business, followed by a Master’s degree from the University of Oregon.
Since graduation, I have been employed in various position that make me uniquely qualified to serve as your treasurer. My management experience required that I understood financial statements (balance sheets, profit and loss statements, cashflow statements, etc.). I understand what it takes to not waste money. All hard-earned funds will be spend appropriately if I am elected your treasurer. Monies will only be spent in areas that are approved and help the Douglas County Republican Party accomplish it’s objectives. The inflow and outflows of cash will be properly spent and reported. You, our PCP’s, will be in the loop throughout the entire process.
Thank you for helping the DCRCC! We are fully funded by other Republicans and volunteer effors! Let us know if you can donate monthly, one time, or donate an item for raffle or auction.
For those of you involved in the business of the party, please submit your expenses and debit card purchases on behalf of the DCRCC by filling out these forms.
When your form is all filled out, just shoot an email over to your helpful Treasurer, Tom Dole. Thank you!